Martial Arts Consulting Company for School Owners Who Want To Thrive

"The COVID-19 situation brought so much uncertainty for us as Academy owners. We did not know how we could continue bringing in revenue when we had to shut down our academy. 

Cris and her team didn’t waste time. They got straight to to work and taught us how we can take our classes online. This is more than just slapping a few videos together. This is a well thought out structured plan that we would never have thought of on our own. 

Every academy needs to have a contingency plan and this is it. This blueprint saved our Academy and I highly recommend it to other martial arts academies. You’ll see the value it brings to your students and families."

-Zee Alexander

Cris literally holds nothing back.

I’ve never seen anyone consistently produce such detailed, turn-key action plans, and everything needed to execute flawlessly.

-Kyle Stephenson